A Proven Workout Plan For Men To Build Muscle

workout plan for men to build muscle

Burn The Fat - Feed The Muscle is the old school best-selling workout plan for men to build muscle.

A proven workout plan for men to build muscle is the old-school, Burn The Fat - Feed The Muscle program. Created by exercise physiologist/natural bodybuilder, Tom Venuto, it has been a best-seller for one simple reason...guys get results that can be seen.

You will increase lean muscle and shred fat.

I know...some guys came here looking for a site strictly to put on dense muscle because they are already lean and feel like they do not have to lose any fat.

I understand. The reason, though, that I recommend Tom's program so strongly is because even with the best intentions, guys wanting to increase size start putting on fat...and the older you are when you do this, the more difficult it will be to get it off.

** (However, if you truly are interested in just a program strictly for muscle-building, Kyle Leon's Muscle Maximizer workout plan is the one you want to checkout.)

The majority of guys, though, who come to this site want to cut male belly fat and get rid of love handles on the way to becoming more muscular. Burn The Fat - Feed The Muscle is a proven workout plan for men to build muscle, while reducing their percent body fat.

Tom's focus is simple. He trains you like an athlete. Your program centers on (1) creating a much better nutrition plan, (2) strength training to build lasting dense muscle, and (3) interval workouts to elevate your hormonal response...increasing testosterone and human growth hormone production.

Tom Venuto is straight-up with you. There are no phony promises of muscle erupting miracles. His only promise is that you will work hard on your diet, you will work hard on your training, and you will see results.

click here for a proven workout plan for men to build muscle

A Proven Workout Plan For Men To Build Muscle - What's involved?

a proven workout plan for men to build muscle

* Tom's weight training phase will focus mainly on fundamental lifts that are compound-joint (require two joints of the body) to build both strength and size.

* You will workout no more than 60 minutes each session. As Tom states, "Your weight training workouts should not last more than one hour. The optimal workout duration is probably even shorter; around 45 minutes. Overly long workouts exhaust your nervous and endocrine system, decrease your levels of growth hormone and testosterone (anabolic hormones) and increase your level of cortisol (a catabolic hormone that breaks down muscle)."

* Your goal is to increase hormonal response. This is the only way men can put on muscle. Keep in mind, the older you get, the more these hormones decrease in production. Increased intensity is a must as you grow older...but most guys don't want to hear that they'll have to work at it.

* Nutrition plays a critical role in muscle increase, and this is where Tom's Burn The Fat - Feed The Muscle outdistances all other programs. The majority of Tom's 340-page Burn The Fat book, centers on muscle-building nutrition.

* You will learn real quick that a lot of the foods you enjoy, because they taste so good, have NO muscle-building elements involved. They are loaded with sugar, fats, and calories...none of which help you become more muscular.

Becoming more muscular starts in the kitchen, not the weight room. In order to reach the muscularity you want, you must make major changes in your nutrition plan.

Burn The Fat - Feed The Muscle may not seem to be a program to increase muscle density at first glance, but to me, it is the most proven workout plan for men to build muscle that is available.

the best workout plan for men to buils muscle

click here to order the best workout plan for men to build muscle

a great book to help hardgainers build muscle

Beyond Brawn: The best training book for Hardgainers who want to put on muscle

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Workout Plan For Men To Build Muscle


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