Weight Loss Resolution

weight loss resolution

Make your New Year weight loss resolution work!

A weight loss resolution for the new year is the most prevalent one made, yet many do not succeed. Make your New Year's resolutions for weight loss work by sticking to a few simple strategies!

Weight loss resolutions fail for three main reasons: (1) The goals set are vague or unreachable, (2) Woman pick a diet that is difficult to manage, (3) Women do not get the support they need.

The strategies I give you will focus on those three main areas.

The problem with many New Year's weight loss resolutions is that they are casually set, hardly reinforced, and not emotionally driven into your brain. When they seem unimportant, they are easily forgotten.

I wish I could tell you there is a magic pill that would make these three elements easy to apply, but it is going to take some time and effort on your part to get things aligned...and keep them there.

There needs to be some "mental training" as well as physical training if you are going to be successful.

Once these strategies are integrated into your daily routine, and become a part of a more positive lifestyle for you, losing belly fat and thigh fat will not be so frustrating. New Year's resolutions for weight loss must have personal importance if they are to succeed.

You can do it. Weight loss success stories for women are all about overcoming obstacles and empowering yourself.

Weight Loss Resolution - Set reasonable goals

Your goals need to be both clear and do-able. Write them down and be specific, but also deal in reality ("I want to lose 25 lbs. in the next 6 months" is doable..."I want to drop four dress sizes in the next two weeks" is not.)

weight loss resolution

* Shoot for a loss of 1-2 lbs. per week.

* Write your goals on a small card so you can review them frequently in the beginning, and as needed if you start drifting off-track.

* Make yourself accountable to one other person. Find the most positive and supportive person you know and tell them your plan.

* Visualize yourself doing the necessary things to reach your goal. (Making better food choices, exercising consistently, drinking more water, getting better sleep, etc.)

* Understand that weight loss does not move in a straight line. There may be weeks where you lose more than 2 lbs....and weeks where you seem to stay the same.

* Goals cannot stay on auto-pilot. Your food choices and exercise must evolve as you get more into your program.

Weight Loss Resolution - Pick a proven plan

In many instances, the first thing that pops into a woman's mind when they want to lose belly fat is, "I need to get on a good diet."

It is better, though, to extend your vision to say, "I need to make more healthy changes in my lifestyle." By finding more ways to live healthy, you are continually putting more savings into your personal wellness bank.

weight loss resolution for the new year * The best diet for women is actually NOT a diet, but a change in lifelong eating habits.

* When you make important an significant lifestyle changes (eating more natural foods, stop smoking, getting better rest, etc) you begin to look and feel much better on many levels.

* You want to find a program that is easy to initiate, safe, sensible, and easy to maintain. You also want one that gives you results that can be seen on the scales and in your mirror.

* Stay completely away from extreme fat loss plans or those that promise fast fat loss. These programs make you predisposed to Yo Yo Dieting...and depression.

* The one proven program I recommend is the Flat Belly Solution...(aka the "Diet Solution Program".) It focuses on the principles of women eating more consciously, making the majority of your food choices from natural foods and solid protein sources, and eating to enhance your particular Metabolism Type.

Weight Loss Resolution - Seek quality support

Part of your New Year's resolutions could be to expand your support system. This is especially critical when you are making lifestyle changes that others may see as threatening because it upsets the sense of "normalcy" in relationships.

Losing fat, increasing your lean muscle so that you look better, drinking more water to make your skin look vibrant, and getting more rest to allow hormonal activity to work most efficiently are all great goals...and you should not be deprived from reaching them.

weight loss resolution

* Seek the most positive friends you can find.

* Look for new friends that are upbeat, affirming, gracious, and non-judgmental. (New weight loss resolutions do not always travel in a straight line, and you want a friend who can be forgiving when you backslide.)

* Start surrounding yourself with like-minded people who are truly health-conscious.

* Look for new friendships at the gym, Zumba classes, or community health lectures/events.

* Be the one who initiates contact. Yes, I know this may seem hard, but just saying "Hi" and asking someone how they stay so fit can be a start.

* Having the freedom to discuss your life-changing goals and receiving unselfish support will do wonders for you emotional equilibrium and your mental outlook.

Eating with more awareness, exercising consistently and regularly, losing belly fat, and becoming more fit can be challenging...but you can do it!

By breaking down your New Year's weight loss resolution into manageable segments will help you get the results you want a year from now.

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