It is no secret that Isabel has become the rock star of women's weight loss. Her Flat Tummy Diet has created thousands of loyal followers who have integrated her simple and sensible eating principles to lose belly fat...and keep it off forever.
Isabel's Flat Tummy not a diet!
In review after review on women's weight loss blogs, health & fitness forums, and even FaceBook pages, women praise the Flat Tummy Diet because it has provided them a viable and concrete blueprint for making lifelong changes in their eating habits.
In fact, on page 7 of her book, Isabel candidly states, "People don’t need another diet book; they need to change their lifestyles. They don’t need to be told how and why to go on a diet; they need to learn how to change their eating habits and their thinking for life."
With a focus on eating consciously, eating foods that are mainly provided by Mother Nature, and eating to enhance your personal Metabolism Type (which Isabel shows you how to determine), Isabel's Flat Tummy Diet gets results that can be readily seen on your bathroom scales...and in the mirror.
Over 70,000 women have purchased Isabel's nutrition plan, and hundreds more order it each week. It has helped thousands of women drop pounds and dress sizes all over the world.
Isabel's Flat Tummy Diet has become a best-seller because of one primary reason...It works!