Interval Workouts For Women Accelerate Fat Loss

Interval workouts for women are the cardio key to increase their metabolism naturally and lose belly fat. Interval workouts build lean muscle tissue to make you look more toned.

Many women shy away from interval training workouts because they think they consist only of 200m - 400m repeats that guys do who are intent on working out like an athlete.

In reality, interval workouts are the backbone of proven successful programs, such as the ultra-popular Fit Yummy Mummy by Holly Rigsby, as well as the best-selling P90X Home Workout Course.

Interval workouts can be designed just about any way you want them. The main criteria is that there is a sustained burst of almost-maximum anaerobic energy (15-60 seconds) between periods of active rest.

interval workouts for women burn belly fat fast

* The entire session will last 20 minutes, max...after you warm-up, or even after your weight training routine.

* Although running (example: sprint 30 seconds/walk 30 seconds) is the most common type of interval training, you can design routines with a stationary (or road) bike, swimming, or even calisthenics.

* Several women in my gym utilize interval workouts in conjunction with their weight training routine. (30 seconds intense bench press/30 seconds ez jump rope for several sets, then 30 seconds assisted pull-ups/30 seconds crunches for several sets.)

* Please keep in mind, interval workouts for women are demanding. You will sweat much more, you will breathe hard, and you will definitely get a little red in the face. (Remember, interval training is THE cardio of choice for female athletes.)

* However, as great as interval workouts are for your body, they CANNOT overcome a bad diet.

* Your fat loss while participating in interval training will be much more pronounced when you are making good food choices, and maintain a healthy weight loss diet.

* Your fat loss while utilizing interval training will also be accelerated with regular and consistent weight lifting workouts for women.

* When first beginning intervals, just do them once per week in place of your usual daily cardio. After you become stronger, you can go twice a week...but give yourself 2-3 days between sessions.

Interval workouts for women are limited only by your creativity. Just make sure you put intense effort into the interval portion and give yourself (almost) enough rest to recover before going again. These routines take a lot of focus and mental discipline.

interval workouts for women are the backbone of the fit yoummy mummy program

Interval workouts for women are the backbone of Holly's program

Exercise and women's fat loss goes hand in hand

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